Five routes to discover the history of smuggling, hiding and exile, the secret passage to the border and follow the path that Walter Benjamin and other intellectuals to flee France. The tragic journey of Antonio Machado, in January 1939.
Hiking trails, one of the areas less transformed by human action. The vineyards of Banyuls and Collioure. The buttresses that give rise to the Pyrenees.
Stay organized: from a morning a week. Special offer for college and high school students. Cultural Trips final year. Stay for teachers and intellectuals.
Cultural dialogues and debates around the border.
Analysis of the landscape and monument D. Karavan: Memorial Passages.
Rutes guiades per la frontera de Portbou.
Rutes de senderisme, per un dels territoris menys transformats per
l'acció de l'home. Les vinyes de Banyuls i
Cotlliure. Els contraforts que donen peu als Pirineus.
organitzades: des d'un matí fins a una setmana. Oferta especial per estudiants
de batxillerat i universitaris. Viatges culturals de fi de carrera. Estada per a professors o intel·lectuals.
Debats i diàlegs culturals entorn a la frontera.
CONTACTE: svancells@hotmail.com
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